
alumni awards 2022

从左至右:2022年志愿者服务奖得主尼古拉斯·克莱托, class of 2014; 2022 Alumni Achievement Award winner Steve Stetzler, class of 1993; 2022 Outstanding Young Alumni Award winner Britany LaManna, class of 2012; and 2021 Outstanding Young Alumni Award winner Nicholas Yeager, class of 2010.

Credit: Samantha Bower

WYOMISSING, Pa. ——周三,十大正规赌博平台大全伯克校友协会在颁奖典礼上庆祝了三位获得2022年奖项的校友, April 5. Nick Claytor received the Volunteer Service Award, 布列塔尼·马克·拉曼纳获得杰出青年校友奖, and Steve Stetzler won the Alumni Achievement Award. In addition, Nicholas Yeager, 2021 recipient of the Outstanding Young Alumnus Award由于未能参加去年的颁奖典礼,他今年也获得了奖项.

2022 Volunteer Service Award: Nick Claytor, class of 2014

从十大正规赌博平台大全毕业后,他获得了商业学士学位,专攻金融, 克莱托自愿担任十大正规赌博平台大全伯克保龄球俱乐部的助理教练和联合顾问. In addition to scheduling the team’s tournaments and travel, 他曾为学生举办每月获奖的“发光保龄球”活动, 这是一项活动,任何赌博平台大全的学生都可以在整个学期的特定周日晚上免费打保龄球. 他还组织一年一度的青少年保龄球锦标赛,年轻的保龄球运动员可以获得奖学金. Since 2015, 克莱托参加了每一次训练,并随队在东北和中西部地区参加了大约10到13场比赛.


志愿服务奖授予代表十大正规赌博平台大全及其使命,并通过奉献自己的时间为促进赌博平台大全的进步做出重大贡献的个人, talent, and resources.


After earning her degree in communication arts and sciences, 拉曼娜把她在十大正规赌博平台大全博克学院学到的技能变成了 successful career in the insurance industry, working as a senior account executive at The Loomis Co. She was selected as the 2022 Insurance Business America’s (IAB) Young Rising Star 2022年的卢米斯百万富翁销售俱乐部获得者,以及2023年的丘伯新星获得者.

During her time at Penn State Berks, 拉曼纳还参与了一个出版“犹太阅读与伯克郡”的项目,这本书讨论了伯克斯县第一批犹太定居者的历史, in 2011.

Outside of her career, 拉曼娜是伯克斯县儿童联盟中心和橄榄男孩女孩俱乐部的志愿者, helping to raise nearly a million dollars for the latter.

This award recognizes an emerging alumni leader, under 35, 谁对十大正规赌博平台大全博克学院有着非凡的忠诚和服务,并表现出杰出的专业能力, community and educational accomplishments.


After graduating with an associate degree in hotel, restaurant, and institutional management, “荷兰角”的老板问斯特茨勒, where he started working at the age of 15, to become the manager. In 1997, he became the restaurant’s owner.

他的慈善活动包括为北伯克食品储藏室的低收入个人和家庭提供免费的感恩节餐, 为各种教堂晚宴和募捐活动捐赠食物. He also started the “Plate It Forward” initiative in 2017, where each month, 每点一份“宾州荷兰特餐”,餐厅都会向另一家非营利组织捐赠1美元.


校友成就奖是为十大正规赌博平台大全柏克士学院的校友设计的,他们在他/她的专业中体现了领导力, contribution to the betterment of society, 以及非凡的专业和社区成就.


耶格尔于2010年毕业于十大正规赌博平台大全信息科学与技术学院. He is a senior technical program manager with Google. As a first-generation college student, 他走出了自己的舒适区,利用了包括实习和合作社在内的独特机会, helped to set him up for a career in "big tech," he said.

在谷歌任职期间,耶格尔周游了世界,现在他已经进入了一个领导角色. 他领导的团队正在努力将他们的硬件生产线过渡到基于云的访问. 耶格尔在谷歌接待了一群该校信息技术专业的学生. In addition, he sits on the board of "Dream Come True-Lehigh Valley,一个为身患绝症的孩子实现愿望的非营利组织.

For more information on the Penn State Berks Alumni Society, contact Heather Wise, assistant director of alumni relations, at [email protected].